
A large-sized fiber laser that brings fine, high-precision processing to projects of nearly any size.

This large-size laser processing machine gives you the ability to apply the precision cutting prowess of fiber lasers to large, 宽, 或不规则形状的工件. By eliminating the number of fabrication, 弯曲, and welding processes required for each project, xml - f产生优秀的, strong, 无缝的, high-quality work in less time—and money—than you’d expect.

最重要的是, XL-F采用了完全模块化的设计, making it an easy fit with existing or future expansions. Whether you’re in the middle of refitting your entire shop for unmanned production or still exploring your options, this unit’s fully modular design gives you the freedom to pair it with new technologies at your convenience.



  • The inherent versatility of a high-quality Mitsubishi fiber laser makes the XL-F a very useful machine. But this machine can cut more than a diverse range of materials. From being 75% less costly to operate than traditional CO2 lasers to an on-board ECO MODE that saves on power consumption, the XL-F can help you cut costly inefficiencies out of your business.


  • The XL-F comes loaded with various automatic components that require less human interaction to do its job. Combined with its ability to process diverse materials—including highly reflective materials like aluminum, 黄铜, 还有铜,还有直觉, on-board CNC control that makes day-to-day operations simple and efficient for all users, xml - f是不干涉的, heavy-duty workhorse your shop will love.


  • 与传统CO相比2 激光加工, fiber lasers combine maximum edge quality with high cutting speeds that produce more work, 快, 同时需要更少的资源. The same components that make these machines more productive also make them easier to maintain, 总体上减少了停机时间.


  • Reduces processing time as much as 50% thanks to its high-speed, heavy-duty motion system
  • 10.5’ x 26.5’ travel range allows hassle-free processing of big parts (up to 10’ x 26’) without a reposition or witness marks
  • Beats traditional processing ranges and capabilities (including 1” capacity carbon, 不锈钢, and aluminum) with Mitsubishi’s groundbreaking “Zoom head” design
  • The Zoom head allows you to achieve uncompromising quality and unparalleled production speeds thanks to on-board programming that automatically sets optimal beam diameter, 焦距, 和模式
  • The Zoom head also reduces need for centering and recentering of cutting head, and reduces the amount of time-consuming lens cleaning or cartridge changing thanks to its sealed design
  • Easy access to processing area makes setup and changes 快 and easier
  • The XL-F is automation-capable right from day 1!


  • 一个ultra-rigid, 极稳定的, 单一平台, Dianite-cast machine frame to ensure optimal stability and processing accuracy—even at high speeds
  • A heavy-duty, high-speed pallet changer to maximize your throughput capacity
  • 重型, 自主1 "容量穿梭桌, which allow for free unloading/reloading even while the other table remains in operation
  • A Mitsubishi safety package (includes full side covers and automatic door for processing area)
  • 磁碰撞保护
  • Changes beam spot size from 130 to 400 micron
  • TEM00或TEM01光束模式
  • 40mm总焦距(3.5” to 10”)


  • PC-based, 64-bit NC control has touchscreen user interface and full network capability


  • remote360°启用 (remote user monitoring, diagnostics, service support, and more)
可用的平台 Ml 6030 xl-f Ml 8030 xl-f
机结构 Welded frame with precision helical rack and pinion, direct drives
X轴行程 255.9” (6500mm)  318.9” (8100mm)
Y轴行程 126” (3200mm) 126” (3200mm)
Z轴行程 5.9” (150mm) 5.9” (150mm)
最大工件尺寸 240.16“(6100mm) x 120.08” (3050 mm) 314.96“(8000mm) x 120.08” (3050mm)
最大加工进给速度 1970 in/min (50 m/min) 1970 in/min (50 m/min)
最大工件重量 8050磅. (3651.4 kg) 9780磅. (4436.1 kg)
表通高度 34.6” (879 mm) 34.6” (879mm)
快速行驶速度 3346”(85米/分钟) 3940”(100米/分钟)组合
定位精度 0.0019”/20” (0.05/500 mm) 0.0019”/20” (0.05/500 mm)
可重复性 ±0.00039” (0.0099 mm) ±0.00039” (0.0099 mm)
整机尺寸 813.4 x 112.9 x 342.1 962.9 x 112.9 x 342.1
整机重量 48432 (21968kg) 75000 (34020kg)
变焦处理头 可选 标准
可用输出功率(CW) 4kw, 6kw, 8kW, 10kW 4kw, 6kw, 8kW, 10kW
波长 1.07µm 1.07µm


Are you searching for a specific solution to fill that empty spot on your shop floor? Do you need to build integrated manufacturing cells from the ground up? 你来对地方了. Our expertise spans virtually every aspect of metalworking.

  • "“We’re excited with all of the things that Mitsubishi 激光 is bringing to the marketplace because it helps us achieve our goals of being profitable and having sustainable growth."

    如果查, Olympic Steel's plant manager of the Buford location’s Fabrication Division 了解更多
  • "It is just a mind-blowing, amazing machine. I had never been sold on fiber lasers because of micro-burr and concerns about edge quality, but the GX-F has burr reduction technology that makes burr non-existent."

    科迪御夫座, 激光nut的总裁 了解更多

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